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Environmental Protection Agency
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  • Presidential memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies—Tribal Consultation (November 5, 2009).

  • Presidential memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies – Government-to-Government Relationship with Tribal Governments (September 23, 2004).

  • Executive Order No. 13175 – Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Government, 65 Fed. Reg. 67249 (Nov. 6, 2000).

  • Executive Order No. 13084 – Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments, 63 Fed. Reg. 27655 (Apr. 14, 1998).

  • Presidential memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies regarding Government-to-Government relations with Native American Tribal Governments (Apr. 29, 1994), 59 Fed. Reg. 22951 (May 4, 1994).


  • Secretarial Order  No. 3206 – American Indian Tribal Rights, Federal – Tribal Trust Responsibilities, and the Endangered Species Act (signed by the Secretaries of the Department of Interior and the Department of Commerce June 5, 1997).​

  • Region 8 Policy for Environmental Protection in Indian Country (Feb. 4, 2000).

  • EPA Policy for the Administration of Environmental Programs on Indian reservations (Nov. 8, 1984).

  • HUD Tribal Consultation Document – Implementation of Statutory Changes to NAHASDA (November 28, 2001).

  • HUD Government-to-Government Tribal Consultation Policy (June 28, 2001).

  • HUD American Indian and Alaska Native 1994 Policy Statement (April 29, 1994).

  • U.S. Department of Energy American Indian and Alaska Native Policy (August 21, 2001, reaffirming October 2000, and superseding April 8, 1992 policy).

  • Department of Justice Policy on Indian Sovereignty and Government-to-Government Relations with Indian Tribes, 61 Fed. Reg. 29424, 29426 (June 10, 1996)



Environmental Protection Agency

Housing & Urban Development

Other Agencies


Regarding Tribal Consultation

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