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Interior Department Notices & Rulings Regarding Hoopa-Yurok Settlement Act Claim Wavers

  • Notice Re Statute of Limitations, 56 Fed. Reg. 22998 (May 17, 1991). 

  • Memorandum of Assistant Regional Solicitor to Area Director Re Decedent Options Under Settlement Act (Sept. 6, 1991).

  • Memorandum from Director, Office of Trust Funds Management to Area Director for a Distribution of Funds Awarded Under the Settlement Act (Aug. 22, 1991).

  • Memorandum of Acting Director, Office of Tribal Services to Superintendent Re Issuance of Per Capita Checks from settlement Funds (Oct. 24, 1991).

  • Letter of Acting Associate Solicitor to Mr. Jason Conger Re Effect of Acceptance of Offer of Partial Payment Pursuant to the Settlement Act (Nov. 19, 1991). 

  • Memorandum of Assistant Solicitor to Area Director Re Issues Raised at Organizational Meeting of Yurok Interim Council (Feb. 3, 1992).

  • Letter of Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs to Chairman, Hoopa Valley Tribal Council, Re Effect of Yurok Interim Council's Decision to File Suit (Apr. 13, 1992).

  • Letter of Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs to Vice-Chairman, Yurok Interim Council, Re Authority Vested in Interim Council to Waive Certain Claims (Nov. 23, 1993). 

  • Letter of Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs to Chair, Interim Tribal Council, Re Effect of Resolution No. 93-61 (Apr. 4, 1994).

  • Letter of Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs to Chairperson, Yurok Tribal Council, Re Reconsideration of Decision Regarding Resolution 93-61 (Mar. 14, 1995).

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